Ms Crème's Signature Indulgence Package
This is the ultimate Ms Crème De La Cream package allowing you to create your own flavour combinations. Have a particular theme or colour? This is the package for you.
I can combine stencil artwork to add a design on your ice cream desserts. You can also request:
Personalised spoons
Personalised menus
Ice cream bowl/tub options
Decorations for ice cream stand

As this is a personalised package the pricing will vary.
Deliciously Different Ice Cream Desserts package
With this option you will get to explore the range of ice cream flavours that I have on sale during that month. These will change throughout the year so please get in touch to find out the flavours of the month!

Each ice cream dessert has its own price tag so it will depend on what you choose.
Simply Ms Crème package
Wanting to treat your guest but as low a cost as possible then this is the package for you. My two most popular ice cream desserts are available on this package so you will still be in for a treat.

You will get to choose from the Key lime pie traybake or the popcorn canapés.